
Advancing Operations with Lean Warehouse Management Examples

Lean warehousing eliminates waste, boosting efficiency and profitability. It includes continuous improvement, process standardization, and custom equipment use.

The concept of lean warehousing is an optimization revolution that’s creating waves in traditional warehousing and supply chain management, propelling them into an era of streamlined operations and boosting profitability.

Lean warehousing represents a systematic approach to eliminating waste, overstocking, and inefficiency, ensuring that every operation adds value to the end product. Whether it’s the intricacies of warehouse layout, the rigor of team training, or the precise application of custom-built material handling equipment like carts, lean warehouse management is a holistic endeavor.

By studying lean warehouse examples, businesses of all sizes can glean invaluable insights into how these principles work in the real world. They can then apply these lessons to their own warehouses, transforming them from mere storage facilities into key strategic assets that enhance profitability and competitive advantage.

Custom-built carts are one such game-changer, allowing businesses to reduce breakage, spoilage, and waste by using equipment that meets their facility’s unique needs. They reflect the lean principle of “kaizen,” or continuous improvement, by allowing businesses to make continuous changes to optimize their operations incrementally and consistently.

Understanding Lean Warehousing

Lean management has a long history, but James Womack and Daniel Jones popularized it in the late 1990s. The five key principles that laid the foundation for lean management were outlined by the pair in their book Lean Thinking:

  1. Value: This principle emphasizes the importance of understanding exactly what the customer values in a product or service. It’s about seeing the product or service through the eyes of the customer and understanding their needs. Every process and action in production should aim to add this value.
  2. The Value Stream: Once the value is identified, this principle deals with value stream mapping the entire process, from raw materials to the hands of the customer, highlighting every step that contributes to the creation of the product. Doing this makes it easier to spot and eliminate any non-value-adding steps or “waste.” Waste can be in the form of excess inventory, unnecessary transportation, waiting times, etc.
  3. Flow: After waste is removed from the value stream, the production process should be streamlined such that products flow smoothly from one process to the next without interruptions or delays. This ensures that the product reaches the customer as quickly as possible, with minimized overhead and storage costs.
  4. Pull: Traditional manufacturing systems might produce based on forecasts, creating stockpiles of products. However, the ‘pull’ principle suggests that products should be produced only when there’s a demand for them. This reduces the risk of overproduction and excess inventory, leading to reduced costs and ensuring that products are always fresh or up-to-date.
  5. Perfection/Continuous Improvement (Kaizen): This principle encourages a culture where employees are always looking for ways to improve the process, no matter how small. The idea is that there’s always room for improvement. Organizations can adapt to changes more efficiently, improve product quality, and reduce costs by continuously seeking perfection.

The car manufacturer Toyota has embraced the principles of lean manufacturing since as far back as the 1950s, but in 2001, they formalized their lean standardized processes into what they call the Toyota Production System. In their book The Toyota Way, they explain the seven types of waste (Muda) that Lean Thinking refers to in its second principle:

  1. Transport: Unnecessarily or inefficiently transporting products or raw materials can lead to delays, product damage, and increased costs. Minimizing transportation by optimizing layout and flow can reduce these risks and lead to quicker delivery times.
  2. Inventory: Having excess Work In Progress (WIP) or finished products that aren’t being processed ties up capital, requires storage space and can lead to product obsolescence. Lean principles advocate for a Just-In-Time (JIT) approach where inventory is kept at its minimum necessary level.
  3. Motion: Excessive or unnecessary movement of people or equipment can lead to inefficiencies, increased wear and tear, and even safety hazards. Lean emphasizes ergonomics and streamlined workspaces to minimize unnecessary motion.
  4. Waiting: Time wasted between processing steps can lead to longer production times and increased costs. It can also result in products or materials deteriorating if they’re not processed in time. Streamlining processes and ensuring smooth flow can reduce or eliminate waiting times.
  5. Overproduction: Producing more than what is demanded by the market ties up resources and leads to excessive inventory. Overproduction can also mask inefficiencies in the system, as excess products can be used to meet shortfalls in production. Overproduction can be avoided by producing based on demand (the ‘pull’ system).
  6. Overprocessing: Adding more value to a product than what the customer requires or is willing to pay for can lead to wasted materials and time. Lean thinking emphasizes understanding customer needs clearly and avoiding unnecessary embellishments or processes.
  7. Defects: Errors or faults in products can lead to customer dissatisfaction, returns, and the need for rework. Detecting defects late in the process can be costly. Lean emphasizes quality at the source, where errors are detected and corrected as early as possible in the process.

Toyota‘s identification of these seven wastes and its systematic approach to eliminating them has been one of the core reasons behind its global success and efficiency in manufacturing. The Toyota Production System serves as a guiding light for many companies looking to implement lean practices.

Unpacking Practical Wearhouse Examples Of The Lean Methodology

While specifically designed for the manufacturing process, the heart of lean methodology—eliminating waste, increasing value, and improving flow—is highly relevant within the warehousing sector. The challenges of storage optimization, inventory control, and streamlined operations present numerous opportunities for the application of lean. Here are a few examples of how these principles play out in the warehouse setting:

A Kanban System for Reorder Points

Situation: A warehouse constantly ran out of certain popular items, causing delays in fulfilling orders.

Lean Solution: A two-bin Kanban system was set up for high-demand SKUs. When the first bin was empty, it acted as a signal to reorder or restock from the back storage while using items from the second bin. This ensured the continuous availability of stock items without overstocking.

5S Methodology in a Picking Area

Situation: Workers in the picking area were wasting time searching for items due to disorganized shelves.

Lean Solution: The 5S system was applied. Items were sorted, removing unnecessary ones. Shelves were organized and labeled clearly (Set in order). Regular cleaning schedules (Shine) were made. A standardized method of keeping items was taught to all (Standardize), and periodic checks ensured the maintenance of this new system (Sustain).

Takt Time for Packing Stations

Situation: During peak times, packing stations became bottlenecks, causing delays in shipping.

Lean Solution: By calculating the takt time (the rate at which products need to be packed to meet demand), packing stations were adjusted to work at optimal pace, and additional temporary stations were set up during peak times to accommodate the increased demand.

Error Proofing in the Order Verification Process

Situation: The warehouse often shipped incorrect quantities due to manual counting errors.

Lean Solution: A poka-yoke system was implemented using weight sensors. Each order was weighed before shipping, and the weight was matched against a predefined standard. Any discrepancies were flagged immediately, ensuring that order quantities were accurate before shipping. This also had the add-on effect of reducing the need for time-intensive physical count audits.

Visual Management for Storage Bins

Situation: It was difficult to identify which bins were for which items, leading to misplaced inventory.

Lean Solution: A visual management system was introduced. Each bin was color-coded based on the type of product it contained. Large, clear labels with both text and pictures of the item were attached to the front. A map of the warehouse floor indicating where each type of product should be stored was displayed prominently. This reduced the time spent searching for items and reduced misplacements.

Tugger Carts for More Efficient Movement

Situation: In a large warehouse, using forklifts and off-the-shelf carts to move pallets of goods from the receiving dock to storage areas and then to the packing stations was inefficient. The carts were not tailored to the various load types, which required ineffective packing. This resulted in multiple trips to avoid breakage, inefficient cart space utilization, and increased warehouse traffic. This movement inefficiency created bottlenecks, especially during peak times, resulting in delays in processing incoming shipments and fulfilling outgoing orders.

Lean Solution: The warehouse introduced tugger carts specifically designed for different load types. These carts streamlined the transportation process within the warehouse. Their specific design ensured that goods fit snugly, optimizing the space on each cart and reducing the number of trips needed. Their smooth maneuverability also reduced traffic congestion within the warehouse aisles.

Putaway Process Improvement

Situation: A distribution center for electronic goods experienced delays in storing new shipments, often leading to misplaced items and inefficient storage.

Lean Solution: The center streamlined its putaway process by:

  • 1. Promptly inspecting and categorizing inbound goods.
  • 2. Using a warehouse inventory management system to determine optimal real-time storage locations.
  • 4. Training workers on efficient movement paths.
  • 5. Introducing adjustable racking systems for better space utilization.

Each of these examples showcases how lean principles can be applied in practical situations in a warehouse to increase efficiency, reduce waste, and improve overall operational effectiveness.

Achieving Operational Excellence with Lean Warehousing

Lean principles of waste reduction, continuous improvement, and respect for people form the backbone of a lean warehouse. They foster a culture that continually strives for perfection and sustains improvements in the long run.

Lean warehousing infuses warehouse operations and workflows, no matter how small, with efficiency and responsiveness. It enables warehouses to adapt to changing customer demands swiftly and effectively. By reducing waste (muda), it streamlines operations, ultimately leading to an increase in efficiency. This, in turn, reduces operational costs, which can be significant in a sector where margins are often tight.

But remember, becoming a lean warehouse is a journey of many small improvements, not an overnight transformation. Embrace lean tools, adapt them to your unique circumstances, and build a culture of continuous improvement. With commitment, the results will follow, enabling you to achieve operational excellence.

In your quest for lean warehousing, consider incorporating custom Nutting carts and trailers to help improve your operations. Known for durability and dependability, our products are designed to meet the needs of your lean warehouse and support your pursuit of operational excellence. Learn more about Nutting products and explore their potential.

The Importance of Ergonomic Handling in Your Workplace

Ergonomics enhances workplace safety and productivity. Proper equipment, like Nutting’s carts, is vital. Neglecting ergonomics risks worker health and output.

Ergonomics is the science of designing products and processes to harmonize with the physical capabilities of the human body. In the material handling world, ergonomics has always been relevant, but as technology advances, it’s essential to look for ways to improve continually. By embracing and applying ergonomic principles as a standard work practice, businesses safeguard their teams from injuries and accidents and boost productivity and operational efficiency. Let’s explore some of the benefits of ergonomics in the material handling sphere and gain insights into practical measures to elevate the ergonomic standards of your warehouse operations.

Material Handling and Its Ergonomic Challenges

Material handling is an integral component of industrial settings, facilitating the smooth flow of goods and products. It encompasses a wide variety of activities, from manual handling tasks such as lifting heavy items and carrying loads to the utilization of material handling equipment like electric tuggers and hand trucks. But as common as these work tasks are, they can also present challenges.

The Prevalence of Manual Material Handling

Manual material handling involves activities like lifting, carrying, and placing objects, often without the aid of machines. While manual handling practices are often a necessary part of warehouse operations, they increase the risk of injury, especially when dealing with heavy objects. The weight of the load, combined with the repetitive motion of the tasks, can lead to strain over time.

Musculoskeletal Disorders and Injuries

A major concern arising from inadequate ergonomic designs in the workplace is the development of musculoskeletal disorders. These conditions are related to the wear and tear of muscles, ligaments, and other parts of the musculoskeletal system. Poor postures, especially awkward postures that workers may adopt while handling heavy loads or reaching for items on the top or bottom of warehouse shelving units, are common culprits. Back injury, for instance, is frequently associated with improper lifting techniques, making it one of the most common work-related ailments.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, musculoskeletal injuries, including strains and sprains, remain high-risk factors in the workplace, often leading to extended healthcare needs, job rotation, and other interventions to accommodate affected employees.

Work Environment and Contributing Risks

The work environment plays a key role in determining employees’ risk factors. Workstations and work areas cluttered with pallets, without clear paths for forklifts or hand trucks, or lacking proper lifting devices like hoists add layers of risk.

With agencies like OSHA and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) emphasizing the importance of a safe working environment, it’s clear that addressing these challenges head-on with an ergonomic approach should be a high priority.

Nutting Order Picker Cart, Order Picking Cart, and Mother Daughter Cart

The Ergonomic Role of Industrial Carts

Industrial carts are versatile and straightforward, unlike forklifts, which can require specific training, and hoists, which are limited to vertical movements. They provide a stable platform for transporting goods, reduce the need for manual lifting, and streamline the flow of items in a facility.

The most evident advantage of using carts and material handling equipment is the significant reduction in physical strain on workers. Even when proper lifting techniques are used to move heavy loads manually, there’s an increased risk of injury and fatigue. Carts eliminate many of these concerns, allowing for safer and more consistent transportation of goods. With the integration of ergonomic designs, these carts become even more user-friendly, further reducing the chances of mishandling or accidents.

Ergonomic Cart Designs

Ergonomic cart designs prioritize user comfort, safety, and efficiency, ensuring that carts not only fulfill their material handling roles but also support the well-being of their operators. Let’s look at some of the ergonomic aspects often incorporated into modern industrial carts.

Adjustable Handles

Adjustable handles cater to the diverse height and reach preferences of different operators. A too-low or too-high cart can force the operator into awkward postures for long periods, increasing the risk of musculoskeletal injuries. With adjustable handles, the cart can be tailored to fit the operator’s natural posture, reducing strain on the back and upper body.

Wide Platforms

A wider platform can provide more space to organize and transport goods. This allows for greater capacity and ensures that items can be placed and retrieved without excessive reaching or bending, eliminating unnecessary strain on the back and shoulders.

Low-friction Wheels

High-quality, low-friction wheels make initiating and maintaining movement easier, reducing the force required to push or pull the cart. This results in less exertion and fatigue, especially when transporting heavy loads over long distances.

Rounded Edges

Sharp edges and corners can be hazardous, especially in tight spaces or during quick maneuvers. Rounded edges reduce the risk of bruises, scrapes, or more severe injuries, ensuring safer navigation through workstations.

Ergonomically Designed Grips

The design of the cart’s grip can significantly impact hand and wrist comfort. Ergonomically designed grips conform to the hand’s natural curvature, minimizing the pressure points and reducing the risk of repetitive motion injuries.

Brake Systems

Effective brake systems are important for carts, especially when loaded with heavy items. An ergonomic design would include easy-to-use brakes that can be engaged without straining the foot or hand, ensuring that the cart remains stationary when needed and reducing risks associated with unintended movement.

Flexible Shelving Options

For carts designed to carry a variety of items, adjustable shelving can be a game-changer. It allows operators to customize the cart’s storage layout, ensuring that items are within easy reach and reducing the need for awkward postures or overexertion.

Nutting adjustable shelf cart is manufactured to give you the flexibility you need in your warehouse.

Lightweight Materials

While strength and durability are key factors in cart design, using lightweight materials for the cart’s construction ensures that the inherent weight of the cart doesn’t add to the load. This means less force is required to move the cart, particularly when it’s not heavily loaded.

Prioritizing Ergonomics for Safer Material Handling

Integrating ergonomics into material handling is necessary in today’s work environments. As the material handling landscape evolves, companies must stay ahead by investing in ergonomically designed equipment. If you need a new cart or trailer quickly and affordably, our Rapid Ship industrial carts, order picker platforms, and tugger trailers are built to the highest durability standards. Make the smart choice and prioritize ergonomics in your material handling solutions today.

The Comprehensive Guide to the NIOSH Lifting Equation

In this detailed guide, we will delve into the NIOSH Lifting Equation, a crucial tool used to assess the risk of lifting-related injuries in the workplace. As a leader in providing high-quality ergonomic solutions, we aim to help you understand the NIOSH Lifting Equation thoroughly and implement it effectively in your workplace. By optimizing your lifting practices, you can significantly reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and enhance the overall well-being of your workforce.

Introduction to NIOSH Lifting Equation

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) developed the NIOSH Lifting Equation as a standardized method to evaluate manual lifting tasks. The equation takes various factors into account to determine the Recommended Weight Limit (RWL) and the Lifting Index (LI) for a specific lifting task.

To learn more about the NIOSH Lifting Equation and its comprehensive background, we highly recommend referring to the official resource provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). You can access the detailed document at the following link: NIOSH Lifting Equation – Technical Documentation.

The Components of NIOSH Lifting Equation

  • Horizontal Location: The distance of the load from the worker’s body, affecting the biomechanics of the lift.

  • Vertical Location: The height from which the worker lifts the load, influencing the biomechanical stress.

  • Distance from the Body: The distance between the load and the worker’s body, impacting the level of strain during the lift.

  • Frequency of Lifting: The number of lifts performed per minute or hour, affecting fatigue and stress on the body.

  • Coupling: The ability to hold the load close to the body, reducing the biomechanical load during lifting.

  • Asymmetry: The extent to which the load deviates from the vertical axis, affecting the balance and stress on the body.

Understanding the NIOSH Lifting Equation

The NIOSH Lifting Equation helps in determining whether a lifting task is within safe limits or poses a risk of injury to the worker. By calculating the Recommended Weight Limit (RWL) and the Lifting Index (LI), employers can identify potential hazards and take necessary measures to mitigate risks.

Calculating the Recommended Weight Limit (RWL)

The RWL is the maximum weight that a worker can safely lift under ideal conditions without an increased risk of injury. The equation considers six major variables:

RWL = LC × HM × VM × DM × AM × FM × CM


  • LC (Lift Constant): A value representing the percentage of the population that can perform the lifting task without any risk of injury.

  • HM (Horizontal Multiplier): Accounts for the horizontal distance between the worker and the load.

  • VM (Vertical Multiplier): Factors in the vertical distance of the lift.

  • DM (Distance Multiplier): Considers the distance of the load from the worker’s body.

  • AM (Asymmetric Multiplier): Addresses the asymmetry of the load during lifting.

  • FM (Frequency Multiplier): Incorporates the frequency at which the lifting task is performed.

  • CM (Coupling Multiplier): Reflects how effectively the worker can hold the load close to the body.


Calculating the Lifting Index (LI)

The Lifting Index (LI) is another essential component of the NIOSH Lifting Equation. It compares the weight of the load to the RWL, providing an indication of the risk level associated with the lifting task.

LI = Load Weight / RWL

A Lifting Index value greater than 1.0 indicates that the lifting task may pose an increased risk of injury to the worker.

Use our calculator below to easily find your Recommended Weight Limit and your Lifting Index.

RWL and LI Calculator

RWL and LI Calculator

Implementing NIOSH Lifting Equation in Your Workplace

To ensure the safety and well-being of your employees, it’s crucial to integrate the NIOSH Lifting Equation into your workplace practices. Follow these steps for effective implementation:

Step 1: Identify Lifting Tasks

Identify all manual lifting tasks performed in your workplace. Categorize them based on their frequency, weight, and other relevant factors.

Step 2: Gather Necessary Data

Collect data for each lifting task, including the weight of the load, horizontal and vertical distances, distance from the body, and the frequency of lifting.

Step 3: Calculate RWL and LI

Using the NIOSH Lifting Equation, calculate the Recommended Weight Limit (RWL) and the Lifting Index (LI) for each lifting task.

Step 4: Evaluate Risk Levels

Assess the risk levels associated with each lifting task based on the Lifting Index (LI) values. Prioritize tasks with LI values greater than 1.0 for immediate attention.

Step 5: Implement Ergonomic Solutions

Implement ergonomic solutions to reduce the risk of injury in tasks with LI values exceeding 1.0. Consider using lifting aids, adjusting task parameters, or redesigning workstations to improve safety.

When it comes to reducing the risk of injuries during manual lifting tasks, industrial carts can play a crucial role. These carts are designed to facilitate the transportation of heavy loads efficiently and safely. By using industrial carts in combination with adhering to NIOSH lifting requirements, employers can significantly minimize the physical strain on workers and prevent musculoskeletal injuries.

Step 6: Training and Education

Provide comprehensive training to employees on proper lifting techniques, ergonomic practices, and the importance of adhering to safe lifting guidelines. Educate them on how industrial carts can be effectively utilized to reduce the need for manual lifting and enhance overall safety.

Step 7: Regular Review and Improvement

Regularly review the effectiveness of implemented solutions and make improvements where necessary. Continuously monitor lifting tasks to ensure they remain within safe limits. Encourage feedback from workers to identify areas of improvement and address any potential safety concerns promptly.

The Role of Custom Carts in Injury Reduction

While industrial carts offer great benefits in reducing lifting-related injuries, custom carts can take workplace safety to the next level. Custom carts are tailored to meet specific workplace needs, considering factors such as load size, shape, and weight, as well as the layout of the facility. By investing in custom carts, employers can create a more ergonomic and user-friendly environment for their workforce.

Custom carts can be equipped with features like adjustable heights, secure locking mechanisms, and specialized cushioning to provide optimal support and protection for different types of loads. This not only reduces the risk of injury but also increases efficiency and productivity as workers can handle tasks more effectively. Custom carts are designed to fit seamlessly into the workflow, ensuring a smooth and safe material handling process.

In conclusion, the NIOSH Lifting Equation serves as a crucial guide in determining safe lifting practices, and its implementation can significantly reduce the risk of workplace injuries. Pairing the NIOSH requirements with industrial carts and considering custom cart solutions can create a safer, more productive, and employee-friendly workplace environment. Prioritize your workforce’s well-being, and you’ll witness enhanced productivity, reduced absenteeism, and an overall flourishing organization. Remember, safety is the foundation of success in any business, and by following these guidelines, you can create a workplace that prioritizes the health and safety of its employees.


Warehouse Picks Per Hour: Maximizing Efficiency and Productivity

Warehouse Picks per Hour: Maximizing Efficiency and Productivity

Effective warehouse management is vital for businesses to meet customer demands, reduce errors, and increase profitability. By understanding and implementing key practices, you can streamline your operations and achieve higher picks per hour, leading to tremendous success in the highly competitive market.

Warehouse Picks per Hour Explained

Warehouse picks per hour is a crucial metric that measures the number of items an employee can pick and pack in a single hour. This metric indicates the overall efficiency and productivity of a warehouse operation. The higher the number of picks per hour, the more efficient the warehouse is in fulfilling orders promptly and accurately.

Understanding the Factors Influencing Warehouse Picks per Hour

To improve picks per hour, it’s essential to identify the factors that impact this metric. Let’s explore these factors in detail:

1. Warehouse Layout and Organization

An organized warehouse layout plays a significant role in enhancing picking efficiency. By structuring the storage areas logically and minimizing unnecessary travel distances, employees can quickly locate and retrieve items, resulting in more picks per hour.

2. Utilization of Technology

Advanced technologies, such as Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) and barcode scanners, can significantly improve warehouse productivity. WMS allows real-time inventory tracking and optimized picking routes, reducing errors and maximizing picks per hour.

3. Employee Training and Skill Development

Well-trained warehouse staff can work efficiently and make accurate picks, positively impacting picks per hour. Regular training sessions ensure that employees are updated on the latest techniques and safety protocols, contributing to increased productivity.

4. Order Batching

Grouping similar orders for picking, also known as order batching, reduces travel time within the warehouse, leading to higher picks per hour. Efficient order batching can be achieved through smart algorithms and analysis of order patterns.

5. Seasonal Demand Variation

Warehouses often experience fluctuations in demand based on seasons or specific events. By forecasting and planning for these variations, warehouse managers can optimize their resources and maintain high picks per hour throughout the year.

6. Pick Path Optimization

Analyzing and optimizing pick paths can significantly impact picks per hour. Employees can reduce travel time and complete more picks in an hour by prioritizing high-demand items and arranging them closer to the packing area.

7. Equipment and Machinery

Investing in modern and efficient picking equipment, such as conveyor belts and pick-to-light systems, can streamline the picking process, resulting in more picks per hour.

8. Performance Tracking and Incentives

Implementing performance tracking systems and offering incentives based on picks per hour can motivate employees to achieve higher productivity levels.

Strategies to Improve Picks per Hour

Now that we have explored the factors influencing average warehouse pick rates let’s dive into actionable strategies to enhance productivity, including how to improve pick rate and how to pick faster in a warehouse:

1. Conduct a Warehouse Audit

Begin by conducting a comprehensive warehouse audit to identify areas for improvement. Assess the layout, storage systems, technology, and employee workflows. Use data-driven insights to make informed decisions.

2. Implement a Warehouse Management System (WMS)

Invest in a reliable WMS to streamline inventory management and optimize picking routes. WMS allows for real-time inventory tracking, reducing stockout chances, and minimizing pick errors.

3. Optimize Warehouse Layout

Rearrange your warehouse layout to minimize travel distances and create efficient pick paths. Group frequently picked items and place them near the packing area to reduce travel time.

4. Introduce Automation

Automation, such as robotic picking systems, can significantly improve warehouse efficiency. Consider integrating automation into your processes to handle repetitive and time-consuming tasks.

5. Continuous Training and Development

Provide regular training sessions to your warehouse staff to enhance their skills and update them on best practices. Well-trained employees are more confident and productive.

6. Use Data Analytics

Leverage data analytics to identify trends, demand patterns, and seasonal variations. Use this data to forecast demand and plan resources accordingly.

7. Optimize Order Batching

Use intelligent algorithms to optimize order batching and reduce unnecessary travel within the warehouse.

8. Employee Motivation and Incentives

Recognize and reward top-performing employees based on their picks per hour. Incentives can be in the form of bonuses, gift cards, or other rewards.

How Custom Platform Trucks, Order Picker Carts, and Tugger Carts Improve Picks per Hour

Custom platform trucks, order picker carts, and tugger carts by Nutting Carts and Trailers are valuable tools that can significantly boost picks per hour and overall warehouse efficiency. Here’s how they help:

1. Efficient Material Handling

Custom platform trucks and tugger carts are designed to efficiently handle various materials and goods. Their sturdy construction and ergonomic features enable warehouse workers to transport larger loads in a single trip, reducing the number of trips needed for picking.

2. Enhanced Order Picking Process

Order picker carts with secure compartments and adjustable shelves facilitate organized order picking. Workers can easily arrange items based on order specifications, leading to faster and more accurate picks per hour.

3. Streamlined Zone Picking

Zone picking is an efficient picking method where each worker is assigned a specific zone to pick items from. Custom platform trucks and tugger carts enable workers to move quickly between zones, ensuring a smooth and streamlined zone-picking process.

4. Flexibility and Adaptability

Nutting Carts and Trailers offer a range of customizable options for their carts and trucks, allowing businesses to tailor the equipment to their specific needs. This flexibility ensures the equipment aligns perfectly with the warehouse’s layout and picking processes.

5. Time Savings

By reducing the time spent on manual material handling and organizing items for picking, custom platform trucks, order picker carts, and tugger carts contribute to significant time savings, ultimately leading to higher picks per hour.

6. Improved Safety

These specialized carts and trucks are designed with safety features in mind, such as sturdy brakes and non-slip surfaces. A safe environment encourages employees to work efficiently without risking accidents or injuries.


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How Can Custom Platform Trucks Improve Warehouse Efficiency?

  • Custom platform trucks enable efficient material handling, allowing workers to transport larger loads in a single trip, reducing the time spent moving items and improving picks per hour.

2. What Are the Benefits of Zone Picking in Warehousing?

  • Zone picking allows for a more organized and streamlined picking process.

  • It minimizes travel time and ensures efficient distribution of work among employees, leading to improved picks per hour.

3. How Can Order Picker Carts Enhance Order Picking?

  • Order picker carts offer secure compartments and adjustable shelves to facilitate organized order picking.

  • Workers can easily arrange items based on order specifications, leading to faster and more accurate picks per hour.

4. What Makes Tugger Carts Ideal for Material Transport in Warehouses?

  • Tugger carts are designed to move materials between zones in a warehouse efficiently.

  • They are adaptable and flexible, aligning perfectly with the warehouse’s layout and picking processes.

5. How Do Nutting Carts and Trailers Ensure Safety in Warehouse Operations?

  • Nutting Carts and Trailers prioritize safety in their designs, incorporating sturdy brakes and non-slip surfaces to prevent accidents and injuries.

  • This creates a safe and productive working environment.

6. Can Using Custom Carts and Trucks Help Meet Warehouse Picking Time Standards?

  • Custom carts and trucks can significantly contribute to meeting and exceeding warehouse picking time standards.

  • They achieve this by reducing manual handling time and streamlining the picking process.

Efficient warehouse picks per hour are critical to successful warehousing and order fulfillment. By understanding the factors influencing picks per hour and implementing effective strategies, including how to improve pick rate and how to pick faster in a warehouse, as well as the use of custom platform trucks, order picker carts, and tugger carts by Nutting Carts and Trailers, businesses can optimize their warehouse operations, improve productivity, and thrive in a competitive supply chain landscape. 

Remember, continuous improvement and investing in reliable equipment are vital to achieving higher picks per hour and ensuring customer satisfaction.

Batch Picking: The Foundation of Warehouse Efficiency

In the world of logistics and warehousing, efficiency is key to meeting customer demands and ensuring seamless operations. One of the essential strategies to achieve this is through batch picking and fulfillment batching. These methods optimize the order fulfillment process and enhance overall warehouse productivity.

The Importance of Batch Picking in Modern Warehousing


Batch picking, also known as cluster picking or multi-order picking, is a fundamental technique used in warehouses to fulfill multiple orders simultaneously. This method involves picking items for multiple orders in a single pass through the warehouse, reducing travel time and increasing overall picking efficiency.


Batch picking has become increasingly popular in modern warehousing due to its numerous advantages. By consolidating orders into one pick route, it minimizes unnecessary travel and maximizes the number of orders fulfilled per hour. This process significantly reduces the time and effort required to complete each order, improving operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.


Implementing Batch Picking: Best Practices


To implement batch picking successfully, warehouses must consider various factors, such as order profiles, inventory layout, and demand patterns. Here are some best practices to optimize batch picking operations:

  • Order Clustering Based on SKUs: Group orders with similar SKUs together to minimize the number of different items picked in a single batch.

  • ABC Analysis for Slotting: Use the ABC analysis method to slot fast-moving SKUs closer to the packing area, reducing travel time and enhancing efficiency.

  • Dynamic Slotting: Regularly review order profiles and adjust slotting strategies accordingly to ensure continuous improvement in the batch picking process.

Scanning order to put on Nutting Order Picking Cart

How Warehouse Carts Can Help in Batch Picking


Warehouse carts are indispensable tools that support batch picking operations. These carts are designed to carry multiple items simultaneously, enabling pickers to gather items for multiple orders simultaneously. With the ability to hold a diverse range of products, warehouse carts make it easier for pickers to organize and transport items through the warehouse, reducing the need for frequent trips.


Warehouse carts come in various designs, including shelf carts, bin carts, and multi-level carts. Each type can be custom engineered to accommodate specific order profiles, making batch picking a more streamlined and efficient process. By equipping pickers with the right cart type, warehouses can optimize their batch picking operations and achieve higher productivity levels.

Nutting Order Picker Cart, Order Picking Cart, and Mother Daughter Cart
Fulfillment Batching: Streamlining Order Fulfillment

Fulfillment batching is another crucial aspect of warehouse operations, focusing on aggregating orders before processing them through the order fulfillment pipeline. This technique optimizes the entire order-to-delivery cycle and ensures timely delivery to customers.


The Advantages of Fulfillment Batching

Fulfillment batching offers several advantages that contribute to smoother operations and increased customer satisfaction:

  • Reduced Shipping Costs: By combining multiple orders into a single batch, warehouses can reduce shipping costs, benefiting both the business and the end customer.

  • Optimized Delivery Routes: Consolidating orders allows for more efficient delivery routes, resulting in faster and more reliable delivery times.

  • Minimized Order Processing Time: Batching orders streamlines the picking, packing, and shipping processes, reducing the time required to fulfill each order.

Efficient Order Processing: Key Strategies

To achieve optimal results with fulfillment batching, warehouses must implement the following strategies:

  • Real-Time Order Aggregation: Utilize warehouse management systems (WMS) to aggregate orders in real-time and identify suitable batches.

  • Order Prioritization: Prioritize time-sensitive orders to ensure they are processed quickly and delivered promptly.

  • Shipping Label Automation: Automate the printing of shipping labels for each batch to reduce errors and enhance efficiency.

How Warehouse Carts Support Fulfillment Batching

Warehouse carts play a crucial role in supporting fulfillment batching as well. Using specialized carts with dividers and compartments, pickers can efficiently organize and separate items for different orders within the same batch. This reduces the risk of errors during packing and ensures that each order is accurately fulfilled.


Furthermore, with the help of mobile carts, pickers can easily transport batches of orders to the packing area, eliminating the need for multiple trips back and forth. This streamlined process saves time and reduces the risk of misplacement or mix-up of items.


Warehouse carts are versatile tools that adapt to various fulfillment scenarios, making them essential for successful fulfillment batching operations.


Warehouse Batch Picking vs. Zone Picking: A Comparison


When it comes to optimizing order fulfillment, warehouse batch picking and zone picking are two commonly used methodologies. Let’s compare these approaches to understand their strengths and weaknesses.


Warehouse Batch Picking

As discussed earlier, warehouse batch picking involves picking items for multiple orders in a single pass through the warehouse. This method is ideal for warehouses with various SKUs and order profiles.


Zone Picking

On the other hand, Zone picking divides the warehouse into specific zones, with each picker responsible for picking items only from their designated zone. This approach is suitable for larger warehouses with a high volume of orders.


Which Method Should You Choose?

The decision between warehouse batch picking and zone picking depends on various factors, including warehouse size, order volume, and product diversity. Some warehouses may even adopt a hybrid approach, combining elements of both methods for the best results.


Embracing Technology: The Future of Batch Picking and Fulfillment Batching

As the world of logistics evolves, technology continues to play a crucial role in optimizing batch picking and fulfillment batching processes.

The Rise of Automation

Automation technologies, such as robotics and autonomous guided vehicles (AGVs), are revolutionizing the warehouse industry. These advancements streamline order fulfillment by reducing the need for manual labor, improving picking accuracy, and enhancing overall efficiency.

Artificial Intelligence for Predictive Analytics

AI-powered predictive analytics enables warehouses to forecast demand patterns accurately. By analyzing historical data and market trends, warehouses can proactively adjust batch sizes and fulfillment strategies, staying ahead of customer demands.

Integration of Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) facilitates seamless communication between devices and systems, enabling warehouses to monitor inventory levels, track shipments, and manage batch processing in real-time.


Batch picking and fulfillment batching are indispensable techniques for achieving efficiency in warehouse operations. By streamlining the order fulfillment process, optimizing picking routes, and leveraging advanced technologies, businesses can easily meet customer demands while minimizing operational costs.

Embrace the power of batch picking and fulfillment batching, supported by efficient warehouse carts, to enhance your warehouse’s performance, delight customers, and stay ahead in today’s competitive market.

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5S Methodology: The Path to Lean Warehouse Efficiency

We are at a crucial point in sustainable warehouse management where efficiency and productivity are realistic goals, not just dreams. In this changing time, the Lean Warehouse model is a symbol of innovation. It is changing the supply chain with a focus on 5S Warehouse Best Practices.

Lean Warehousing Principles: The Foundation of Warehouse Efficiency

Efficient warehouse operations prioritize eliminating waste and unnecessary processes that do not add value. This method creates a very efficient warehouse with optimal space use, shorter lead times, less handling, and happier customers. It shows the perfect example of optimizing a warehouse, with efficient organization and careful planning.

Lean Warehousing Principles

Exploring 5S Methodology in Warehouse Management

A Lean Warehouse follows the 5S method to organize and standardize procedures for a well-structured workplace. Japan created the 5S system, which consists of five main principles: Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain.

Seiri (Sort): The First Step Towards a Lean Warehouse

Seiri, the initial step, mandates the sorting of items based on their utility. This process empowers us to distinguish the necessary from the superfluous, eliminating the latter. This step improves warehouse efficiency by making sure only useful items take up space, making operations smoother and increasing productivity.

Seiton (Set in Order): Facilitating Flow in the Lean Warehouse

Seiton promotes efficient organization by arranging important items for easy access and identification. It further advocates for a warehouse layout that promotes the smooth flow of operations—a vital aspect of Warehouse Organization. This principle reduces wasteful time spent searching for items, decreases the chance of inventory mismanagement, and accelerates the order fulfillment process.

Seiso (Shine): Keeping the Lean Warehouse Spotless

The third “S”, Seiso or Shine, underlines the importance of regular cleaning and maintenance. Keeping things clean helps equipment last longer and creates a safe, nice place to work. Regular cleaning also helps to quickly identify and rectify potential issues like equipment malfunctions, further promoting Warehouse Efficiency.

Seiketsu (Standardize): Streamlining Lean Warehouse Management

Seiketsu, the fourth “S”, propounds the creation of standardized procedures and processes that foster efficiency and consistency across the warehouse. The key to Lean Warehouse Management is creating an organized and efficient workspace. In this workspace, everyone knows their roles and tasks can be repeated. Additionally, outcomes can be anticipated.

Shitsuke (Sustain): The Key to Sustainable Warehousing

Shitsuke, the final principle, advocates for discipline and an unwavering commitment to sustain these practices. It’s not just about following rules, it’s about making 5S Warehouse Best Practices a part of the organization’s culture. This leads to Sustainable Warehousing and brings long-term benefits for operations and finances.

Unearthing the Benefits of Lean Warehouse Practices

Using Lean Warehouse Practices and implementing 5S in Warehousing brings many benefits, like better safety, efficiency, productivity, and overall management. Each of these benefits contributes to a significant boost in Warehouse Productivity.

Enhanced Safety

The adoption of 5S results in an organized and clutter-free warehouse, dramatically mitigating the risk of accidents and injuries. Creating clear paths, ensuring equipment is easily findable, and maintaining a clean work area can make the workplace safer for employees. This, in turn, boosts morale and reduces downtime caused by accidents.

Improved Efficiency

Streamlined processes facilitated by a well-organized workspace allow operations to run smoother and faster. Optimizing processes and using space efficiently reduces waste, lowers costs, and leads to Warehouse Optimization.

Boosted Productivity

A Lean Warehouse saves time by reducing the need to search for items or navigate through clutter, resulting in higher productivity. It ensures faster processing times, improved order accuracy, and higher order fulfillment rates—a key benefit of embracing Lean Warehouse Practices.

Superior Warehouse Management

Adherence to 5S Warehouse Best Practices promotes improved visibility of warehouse operations. A tidy warehouse is easier to handle, improves inventory control, and provides useful data for making informed decisions, maximizing resource usage.

Navigating the Process of Implementing 5S in Warehousing

Transforming into a Lean Warehouse and adhering to 5S isn’t an overnight feat. It demands a sustained commitment, strategic planning, and unwavering effort. Here are the key steps we recommend:

  1. Assess the warehouse thoroughly to find areas for improvement, set goals, and establish benchmarks for future reference.
  2. Train Your Staff: Regular training sessions ensure everyone comprehends the Lean Warehousing Principles and the 5S methodology. Well-informed staff are pivotal to the successful implementation of any new initiative.
  3. Create a Detailed 5S Implementation Plan: A comprehensive plan outlines the steps, timeline, and responsibilities of each team member, providing a clear roadmap for implementation.
  4. Execute and Monitor: Implement the 5S practices, continuously monitoring and adjusting the plan to ensure effectiveness. Data collection and analysis are key to identifying areas of improvement.
  5. Regular Audits and Reviews: Conducting regular audits ensures 5S practices are maintained and offers opportunities for continuous improvement.

The Lean Warehouse model and the 5S methodology are tools that can greatly improve warehouse management. They have the potential to revolutionize the way warehouses operate in terms of efficiency and sustainability. By using these strategies consistently, you can greatly improve productivity, safety, and efficiency in your warehouse operations.

Each of the 5S principles helps create a Lean Warehouse that saves space, reduces waste, improves workflow, and encourages continuous improvement. But, becoming a Lean Warehouse takes time and effort. It needs planning, consistency, and a commitment to keep up with these practices in the long run.

The adoption of Lean Warehousing Principles and the 5S methodology isn’t merely about meeting industry standards—it’s about exceeding them. It’s about paving the way for an organizational culture that values efficiency, embraces change, and strives for excellence. So, embark on this transformative journey and leverage the power of Lean Warehouse Practices to achieve your warehousing goals. By doing so, we not only ensure our warehouses are ready for the challenges of today but also future-proof them for the opportunities of tomorrow.

Let’s Unpack and Optimize the Warehouse Putaway Process

We discuss the putaway process in warehousing, its stages, benefits, various strategies for optimization, and its impacts on overall warehouse operations.

Behind every swift delivery and seamless order fulfillment, there lies a carefully executed set of steps that define the crucial putaway process.

A finely tuned putaway strategy is the cornerstone of efficient warehouse operations, serving as the first step towards optimizing productivity, accuracy, and speed in your workflow.

Lets unravel the intricacies of putaway optimization, provide actionable insights, and offer proven techniques to streamline your operations. You’ll learn how to leverage the latest technology, best practices, and strategic planning to transform your putaway process and take your warehouse management to the next level.

Understanding the Putaway Process in Warehousing

The putaway process in a warehouse refers to the set of actions taken to store incoming goods in the warehouse after receiving them. This is an essential stage in the warehouse operation because the efficiency and accuracy of the putaway process can significantly impact the overall productivity and effectiveness of a warehouse.

Here are the general steps involved in the putaway process:

Receiving: The putaway process begins when goods are received at the warehouse dock. This involves checking the received goods against the purchase order to ensure that the right items have been delivered in the correct quantities.

Inspection: After receiving, the goods may go through quality checks which are crucial to ensure that valuable storage availability isn’t being used for faulty products.

Recording: The received goods are then entered into the warehouse management system (WMS). This step is critical to maintaining accurate inventory records.

Sorting: Depending on the size and complexity of the warehouse operation, the goods may be sorted before putaway. Sorting can be done based on several criteria such as item type, destination zone, or storage requirements.

Storing: Finally, the goods are transported to their designated location in the warehouse and stored. The WMS is updated to reflect the new location of the goods.

The Integral Role of Putaway in Warehouse Operations

The putaway process is integral to warehouse operations for several reasons:

Benefits Subsequent Processes: It can impact the efficiency of subsequent warehouse processes like picking and packing. For instance, strategic putaway can minimize travel time for warehouse employees during picking.

Supports Inventory Management: Accurate putaway helps maintain inventory accuracy, which is vital for order fulfillment and avoiding stock-outs or overstocking.

Improves Organization: It can impact the utilization of warehouse space. Effective putaway strategies aim to maximize the use of available space and maintain an organized distribution center.

Lowers Costs: The putaway process can influence labor costs. The more efficient the process, the lower the time and labor required.

Given its significance, many warehouses are increasingly looking to optimize their putaway processes. This can involve various strategies such as implementing advanced WMS software, using automated equipment, and adopting techniques such as cross-docking and drop-shipping. 

Savings with the Warehouse Putaway Process

Different Types of Putaway Strategies for Optimal Efficiency

There are several types of putaway systems or processes that warehouse managers can use to optimize their operations. The choice of strategy often depends on the specific needs of the warehouse, including the type of goods stored, the warehouse’s size, and its technological capabilities. Here are some commonly used putaway strategies:

Random Putaway: In random putaway, goods are placed in any available location in the warehouse. While this method can be efficient in terms of storage space utilization, it may require a robust Warehouse Management System (WMS) to keep track of where everything is located.

Fixed Location Putaway: This method involves assigning specific locations in the warehouse for specific goods. It makes locating items easier and may be best for high-volume items or goods with special storage requirements. However, it can result in inefficient space usage if not managed properly.

Zone Putaway: In this strategy, the warehouse is divided into zones, and items are assigned to these zones based on certain characteristics, such as product type, size, or storage requirements. This method can make picking processes more efficient and organized.

Direct Putaway: Directed putaway relies on a WMS to determine the optimal location for each SKU. The system considers factors such as available space, proximity to picking locations, and item characteristics to assign storage locations. This method can greatly increase efficiency and space utilization. In order to implement this strategy, your WMS must be able to assign a product’s final location from an advanced shipment notice or from the receiving dock.

FIFO (First-In-First-Out) Putaway: Ideal for perishable goods or items with expiration dates, this strategy ensures that the oldest items (first in) are sold or used before newer ones (first out).

LIFO (Last-In-First-Out) Putaway: This strategy is the opposite of FIFO and is suitable for non-perishable goods. The most recently received items (last in) are the first ones to be sold or used (first out).

Volume-Based Putaway: High-volume items are stored in locations that are easy to access, while low-volume items are stored in less accessible locations. This strategy is aimed at reducing picking time.

Dynamic Putaway: Dynamic putaway utilizes dynamic locations or temporary locations to store inbound inventory based on real-time inventory levels and changes in demand.

Each of these strategies has its advantages and potential drawbacks, and many warehouses use a combination of strategies to meet their specific needs. Equipment such as custom quad-steer carts can also play an integral role in facilitating the putaway and order picking processes, especially in warehouses with narrow aisles and tight turns. 


Steps to Achieving an Organized and Efficient Warehouse

An efficient putaway method is the cornerstone of a well-organized warehouse. While understanding the putaway process is the first step, implementing changes that lead to its enhancement is the real challenge. Here are some practical steps that you can take to optimize your overall warehouse operations.

Train Warehouse Workers: Workers should be well-versed in the putaway process and the specific methods your warehouse employs. Regular training programs can ensure that employees are up-to-date on best practices and understand the impact of their work on overall warehouse efficiency.

Leverage Technology: Utilizing technology like Warehouse Management Software (WMS) and barcoding systems can streamline your putaway process, reduce human errors, and enhance inventory tracking.

Optimize Warehouse Layout: Your warehouse layout plays a significant role in the efficiency of your putaway process. Make sure to organize your storage locations and slots based on product type, frequency of orders, and compatibility with other items.

Regularly Review and Update Putaway Processes: Warehouse operations and market demands evolve over time, and so should your putaway process. Regular reviews can help identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement.

Understanding and improving the putaway process can significantly enhance your warehouse’s order fulfillment and space utilization.

One method that could enhance your order fulfillment further is milk run logistics. This approach, where a single transport vehicle collects and delivers goods in a route with several stops, can significantly optimize your warehouse storage and retrieval process.


The Power of an Optimized Putaway Process

The putaway process, often overlooked, is a linchpin in the operations of an effective warehouse. Its efficiency directly impacts the smooth flow of goods, from the receiving area to the designated storage locations. It also impacts other warehouse processes, including picking and order fulfillment, making it an integral part of the warehouse’s operational health

Optimized putaway operations also eliminate unnecessary handling and movements, cutting down the time required to store and retrieve items. It allows your warehouse to process a higher volume of inbound and outbound goods and can enhance your warehouse’s response to variations in order volume and shipping frequency.

In the fast-paced world of distribution and logistics, a meticulously planned and executed putaway process can make all the difference. However, the efficacy of your putaway process doesn’t stop at strategy and planning – it extends to the tools and equipment your workers use daily.

One such tool that can greatly enhance your putaway process is an electric tugger system. With the right equipment, you can minimize physical strain on your workers, improve safety, and optimize the movement of goods within your warehouse. To see what it would take to get a tugger system set up in your facility, read more about our MasterMover Electric Hand Tuggers here.

Ultimately, the power of an optimized putaway process is its impact on the broader objectives of your warehouse: to facilitate the seamless flow of goods, meet customer demands, and maintain a high level of operational efficiency. The putaway process is not just a warehouse operation but a strategic element of your business that, when managed correctly, can bring significant improvements to your bottom line.


How Inventory Classification Elevates Warehouse Efficiency

Inventory classification, using the ABC classification method to prioritize high-value items, improves supply chain management even during market fluctuations.

As the lifeblood of any robust warehouse management system, inventory classification plays a vital role in streamlining operations and optimizing profitability. This systematic approach to categorizing inventory lays the groundwork for more effective supply chain management and can transform the way your warehouse operates.

Inventory classification is about more than simple organization. It’s about discerning the intricate dynamics between different types of inventory and how they impact overall warehouse performance. It’s about distinguishing high-value, high-volume items from those of lower value or slower turnover, ensuring that your focus and resources are invested in the right areas.

By adopting a strategic approach to inventory classification, you unlock a multitude of benefits that create ripples throughout your organization. It paves the way to heightened efficiency, lower operational costs, and improved service levels while arming you with the tools to respond to fluctuations in demand and prevent costly stockouts.

Ready to discover how inventory classification can revolutionize your warehouse operations? Keep reading to uncover valuable insights into this powerful inventory management tool. The journey to a more efficient, profitable warehouse starts here.

Understanding the ABC Inventory Classification Method

Inventory classification is a tool of strategic relevance for warehouse management, and the ABC classification method serves as its cornerstone. This methodology is derived from the Pareto principle, or the 80/20 rule, which stipulates that 80% of effects come from 20% of the causes. In the context of inventory, this translates into a small proportion of the total inventory items or SKUs (stock keeping units), often contributing significantly to the overall business value.

The ABC classification segregates inventory into three categories:

  • Category A items: These are the high-value items that contribute significantly to the overall profitability but constitute a smaller portion of the total inventory volume.

  • Category B items: These are the moderate value items, which strike a balance between the A and C categories.

  • Category C items: These are low-value items with high volume, which, although plentiful, contribute less to the overall profitability.

By prioritizing ‘A items’, warehouse managers can focus their resources on the inventory that provides the greatest return. Effectively managing these high-value items can significantly enhance warehouse efficiency and profitability. Effective classification can also mitigate a range of operational issues. For example, by identifying and focusing on ‘A items’, warehouse managers can reduce the risk of stockouts and decrease lead times. Having an appropriate safety stock level also becomes easier when you know which items need more immediate attention and which ones can afford to wait.

A well-executed ABC classification system can also lead to more efficient warehouse order picking systems. This is because a warehouse designed with ABC classification in mind can group ‘A items’ together for quick and easy access, increasing picking speed and reducing labor costs. To understand the dynamics between inventory classification and order picking systems better, consider reading our article on effective order picking systems, which offers insights on how effective picking begins with effective inventory management.

Order Picker Carts with Adjustable Shelves by Nutting Carts and Trailers
Custom Order Picker Carts Can Help Optimize ABC Classification

Inventory Control Optimization with ABC Classification

At its core, ABC classification is a decision-making tool. By delineating inventory items into ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’ categories that represent inventory value, it facilitates prioritization and optimizes the management of high-value items. This significantly enhances service levels by ensuring that the most critical items are always available and delivered on time. This outcome manifests as increased customer satisfaction and improved business reputation, both of which are essential to long-term success.

The categorization intrinsic to ABC classification reduces inventory cost by pinpointing which items contribute the most to your business value. This strategy can drastically decrease holding and ordering costs, which in turn improves cash flow and profitability.

Effective classification of inventory also strengthens supply chain management. With the insight provided by the ABC system, businesses can better negotiate with suppliers, schedule production, and plan deliveries, all of which bolster supply chain efficiency. The interplay between inventory classification and material handling equipment, like mother-daughter carts, can also significantly increase warehouse efficiency. These carts, for instance, can be configured to carry ‘A’ items more frequently, making them an essential component of a well-optimized inventory system.

Navigating the Challenges of Inventory Classification

Despite its numerous advantages, implementing an inventory classification system is not without its challenges. Maintaining accurate inventory levels is essential, but it can be complicated by fluctuating customer demand, seasonality, and market trends. Misjudging these factors can lead to excess inventory or, worse, stockouts.

Cycle counting, or regularly scheduled audits of inventory items, helps maintain the accuracy of your classification. It ensures that ‘A’ items remain ‘A’ items and that shifts in demand are promptly identified and acted upon.

In the same vein, modern inventory management systems equipped with AI and machine learning algorithms can predict demand fluctuations and suggest optimal reordering points, ensuring a consistent service level.

Planners play a pivotal role in helping to review and update the classification system, adapting it to the dynamic nature of inventory. Their informed decisions ensure that even as customer demand varies, your warehouse stays efficient, and stockouts are prevented.

Ultimately, successful inventory classification is an ongoing process. It requires continuous adjustments and refinements in response to changing business needs and market conditions. By acknowledging the challenges and leveraging the right tools, strategies, and personnel, businesses can harness the full potential of inventory classification to elevate their warehouse efficiency.

Inventory Classification Impacts Your Bottom Line

Effective inventory classification not only helps to identify your most profitable SKUs, but it also helps identify potential warehouse bottlenecks and areas for improvement. For example, if ‘A’ items are frequently out of stock or hard to reach, it may indicate a need for adjustments in warehouse layout or even the introduction of new material handling systems like tugger train systems. These systems can improve the movement of materials within the warehouse, particularly high-value ‘A’ items, resulting in more efficient operations.

Inventory Classification: Your Key to Warehouse Efficiency

Inventory classification is not just a procedure; it is an indispensable strategy for effective inventory management. This systematic approach of classifying SKUs into ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’ categories is vital for optimizing warehouse operations, enhancing service levels, and ultimately driving profitability.

Inventory classification allows businesses to focus their resources where it matters most, reducing unnecessary expenditure on low-value items, and ensuring that the most profitable inventory is readily available.

Inventory classification’s influence also extends beyond the warehouse, positively impacting the entire supply chain. By understanding your inventory’s dynamics, you can forecast demand more accurately, manage supplier relationships better, and optimize production schedules, leading to a more robust and efficient supply chain.

If your facility is ready to level up its efficiency, Nutting Carts & Trailers’ rapid-ship catalog features an array of our most popular carts and trailers. With a shipping time of just 30 days, these solutions are the key to taking your warehouse operations to the next level. Start your journey towards a more efficient and profitable warehouse today.

Revolutionize Your Warehouse with Dynamic Storage Systems

Dynamic storage systems revolutionize warehouses by providing scalability through flexible configurations that optimize storage density and workflow.

As warehouses strive to manage an increasingly diverse and demanding range of stock, it’s clear that traditional static storage systems can no longer keep pace. The shift towards more dynamic, adaptable storage solutions promises to streamline operations and completely change how we think about space utilization, warehouse efficiency, and inventory management.

Dynamic storage is a strategic approach to inventory management that reshapes the warehouse environment to promote agility, scalability, and responsiveness. It is an evolution in storage systems that champions flexibility, making it a fitting response to the challenges and complexities of today’s warehousing landscape.

Keep reading to discover the potential of this innovative storage approach and how it can help your business adapt to the changing warehousing landscape while meeting the high demands of material handling in the modern era.

The Case for Modernizing Your Storage Approach

Modern warehouses face a wide variety of challenges. From fluctuations in demand and supply chain disruptions to inventory management and space optimization, today’s warehousing operations require complex orchestration. Material handling is at the heart of these operations, and its efficiency can directly influence the success of the warehouse as a whole.

Traditional static storage systems often struggle to keep pace with the rapid changes and high demands of modern warehousing, hindering pallet flow and limiting the ability to adapt swiftly to varying stock levels and product turnover rates.

Dynamic storage systems, on the other hand, offer a versatile solution for all types of racking systems. Their flexible design can handle the uncertainties of warehousing, enabling quick adjustments to changes in inventory volume, composition, and movement patterns. An example of custom built equipment that improves dynamic storage is the use of mother-daughter carts. These cart systems combine storage and maneuverability, allowing for more efficient transport of goods within the warehouse.
Mother Daughter Cart by Nutting

Advantages of a Dynamic Storage System

Dynamic storage systems offer a superior approach to handling the demands of modern warehousing. They integrate seamlessly with advanced warehouse management systems, making them a worthy investment for any forward-thinking business looking to optimize its warehousing operations.

Better Space Utilization

Dynamic storage systems offer improved space utilization compared to static systems by reducing aisle widths and allowing for flexible reconfiguration, which can free up valuable floor space.

Increased Storage Density

By maximizing the storage capacity per square foot, dynamic systems help warehouses handle more extensive inventories within the same footprint. This aspect becomes particularly crucial in CSI (Continuous Stock Improvement) processes, where storage density plays a crucial role.

Enhance Workflow Efficiency

The flexibility of these systems allows for better organization and faster retrieval of goods. Their design enables faster provisioning and improves runtime efficiency, contributing to increased throughput overall.


How Custom Carts Power Your Dynamic Storage

Custom carts and trailers add another layer of flexibility, allowing you to customize your storage solutions to perfectly suit the unique needs of your warehouse.

Custom carts can effectively address the challenges associated with carton flow and contribute to the efficient optimization of warehouse operations. By accommodating different types of inventory directly on a cart or trailer, they facilitate faster and more flexible movement of goods. For example, using carts for pallet storage could eliminate the need to have staff stack, unstack, and restack pallets every time they need to be moved. Depending on the demand or space availability, these carts or trailers can be swiftly relocated to new warehouse storage areas.

This system optimizes your storage solutions and simplifies your warehouse inventory management. Real-time metrics provide actionable data, contributing to a more efficient pricing strategy. By combining dynamic storage with custom cart and trailer solutions, warehouses can unlock unprecedented levels of operational efficiency.

Navigating Your Transition to Dynamic Storage

The transition to dynamic storage systems is a transformative process that involves careful planning and execution. It’s not a matter of just choosing the right type of storage but also effectively managing the associated workloads.

Start with a thorough evaluation of your warehouse layout. Dynamic storage systems may require adjustments to your current setup to unlock their full potential. This evaluation will help identify the most appropriate storage class for different types of inventory based on their turnover rate, accessibility requirements, and more.

It’s also essential to manage your workloads efficiently during this transition. The shift to dynamic storage could impact various operational aspects, including order-picking processes and warehouse traffic patterns. These changes should be managed to minimize disruption and ensure a smooth transition.

Consider establishing a plan for phased implementation and thorough staff training as part of the transition. A phased approach allows you to gradually switch to the new system, making necessary adjustments along the way. It also provides time for staff training, ensuring everyone is comfortable with the new system before it’s fully operational.

Remember, transitioning to a dynamic storage system is not an end in itself but a means to a more efficient, flexible, and optimized warehouse operation. When properly managed, it’s a journey that can position your warehouse for future growth and success.

Your Partner for a Dynamic Storage Solution

When it comes to dynamic storage solutions, Nutting has been leading the way with our innovative custom cart and trailer offerings. Our solutions are designed to facilitate the transition to a dynamic storage system, easing the operational challenges that come with it.

Our custom carts and trailers are designed to help you manage and optimize your warehouse operations effectively. Our solutions can be integrated with your current systems and processes with seamless initialization, minimizing any disruption to your operating systems.

We encourage you to contact us and leverage our expertise to solve your complex storage needs. Allow us to show you how custom carts and trailers can elevate your warehouse operations and prepare your business for the future. At Nutting, we are not just solution providers; we are partners invested in your success. Future-proof your warehouse with us and set your business on the path to sustained growth and efficiency.

Tugger Systems: The New Forklift Alternative

Tugger systems offer easier operation, improved maneuverability, better ergonomics, and integration with automation and fleet management systems.

Forklifts are a common sight in warehouses, manufacturing plants, and distribution centers, where they are used to move heavy loads and materials over short distances. But forklifts have some limitations and drawbacks that make them less than ideal for certain applications. Let’s explore some of the challenges of using forklifts in warehouses and dive into a better alternative that can improve productivity, efficiency, and safety.

Understanding Tugger Systems

Tugger systems, also known as tug carts or material handling carts, are a type of alternative material handling equipment used in warehouses and distribution centers. They are used to move heavy loads, like pallets or totes, around the facility floor. Tugger systems consist of a cart that is towed by a manual or electric tug, making them ideal for narrow aisles and tight spaces.

Tugger Systems vs. Forklifts

Compared to traditional forklifts, tugger systems offer several advantages. Forklifts require a trained operator, while tugger systems can be operated by an employee with significantly less training. Tugger systems are also more maneuverable and can easily navigate crowded warehouses. Tugger systems are also generally safer and more ergonomic, reducing the risk of workplace accidents and injuries.


Tugger systems are designed to provide better ergonomics and safety in the workplace. Unlike forklifts, which require the operator to sit or stand in one position for extended periods, many tugger systems allow the operator to walk alongside the unit. This reduces the risk of operator fatigue and repetitive motion injuries. Tugger systems often have a lower center of gravity and better stability, which reduces the risk of tipping and other accidents.


These systems can be a cost-effective alternative to forklifts in many applications. Tugger systems typically have a lower initial cost than forklifts and require less maintenance. They also have a lower operating cost, as they’re often powered by batteries with charger systems that make recharging quick, easy, and convenient. Tugger systems can also be more efficient than forklift trucks in terms of energy usage and are designed to move heavy loads in fewer trips than if you moved the same loads with traditional forklifts.

Increased Efficiency and Productivity 

Tugger systems are designed to handle heavy loads and move them quickly and efficiently. They can also be designed to tow multiple carts at once, which reduces the need for multiple trips. This can save time and reduce the risk of forklift accidents.


Tuggers are highly maneuverable and can navigate through narrow aisles with ease. This makes them ideal for use in warehouses and other environments where space is limited. Unlike forklifts, which require a larger turning radius, tugger systems easily maneuver around obstacles and other equipment. (insert turning radius graphic from pdf)

Automation and Real-time Fleet Management 

Tugger systems can be integrated with automation and real-time fleet management systems to improve efficiency and reduce downtime. They can be equipped with sensors and other technology that allows them to communicate with other equipment and provide real-time data on their location, status, and performance. This information can be used to optimize workflows and reduce the risk of downtime due to maintenance issues or other problems.

Tugger Systems Can Improve Workflow in Warehouses

Material Handling with Tugger Systems 

These systems offer efficient ways to improve material handling in warehouses. Unlike traditional forklifts, tugger systems can transport a variety of loads, including pallets, machinery, inventory, and more, by towing them behind the vehicle. This eliminates the need for manual lifting and reduces the risk of injury for workers. Tugger systems can be equipped with features like adjustable tow bars and quick-release mechanisms to make the material handling process more efficient.

Pallet Stacking with Tugger Systems 

Tugger systems have versatile functionality. For example, they can be set up as pallet stackers. With their maneuverability and narrow aisle capability, tugger systems can navigate through tight spaces find, pick up, and stack pallets quickly and easily. The actual stacking is done with customized carts that not only transport pallets but also vertically stack them. Tugger systems can offer better stability and control when stacking pallets compared to forklifts, reducing the risk of accidents and damage to the pallets.

Electric Tugs Provide Increased Safety Measures

Tuggers come in different types, including electric tugs that can handle heavy loads. Electric tugs are an excellent alternative to forklifts for moving heavy loads, as they provide greater operator visibility, reduced maneuvering risks, a lower center of gravity, and better traffic management, leading to a lowered risk of accidents in the warehouse.

Integration with Other Material Handling Equipment 

You can easily integrate tuggers with other material handling equipment, like conveyor systems, to improve workflow in warehouses. By automating the material handling process, tugger systems can reduce the amount of time and labor required to move products, resulting in increased productivity and efficiency.

OSHA Regulations and Compliance 

Tugger train systems can be designed and operated in a manner that complies with relevant Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. While specific compliance requirements may vary based on the jurisdiction and industry, here are some general considerations for ensuring compliance with OSHA regulations when using tugger train systems:

Operator training

OSHA requires employers to provide training to employees operating powered industrial trucks, which includes tugger vehicles used in tugger train systems. Training should cover topics such as safe operation, load handling, maneuvering, and awareness of potential hazards. Employers should ensure that operators receive comprehensive training and are certified or licensed to operate tugger vehicles. Tugger systems require less operator training than forklifts, reducing the time and cost associated with training and certification for forklift operators.

Equipment maintenance

Regular maintenance and inspection of tugger vehicles and trailers are crucial for compliance with OSHA regulations. Employers should establish a preventive maintenance program that includes routine inspections, repairs, and documentation of maintenance activities. Any identified safety issues or malfunctions should be addressed promptly to ensure the safe operation of the equipment.

Load handling and securing

OSHA regulations require employers to ensure that loads are properly secured and stable during transportation. This applies to both the tugger vehicle and the trailers in a tugger train system. Adequate load-securing methods, such as using appropriate restraints or tie-downs, should be employed to prevent load shifts, spills, or falling objects that could pose a safety hazard.

Traffic management

Employers should develop and implement traffic management plans to prevent collisions and ensure the safe movement of tugger train systems in the workplace. This may involve establishing designated travel paths, signage, and barriers to separate pedestrian and vehicle traffic. Adequate training and communication should be provided to employees regarding traffic rules and right-of-way procedures.

Personal protective equipment (PPE)

OSHA requires employers to assess workplace hazards and provide appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to employees. In the context of tugger train systems, PPE such as high-visibility vests, safety shoes, and head protection may be necessary depending on the specific work environment and potential risks involved.

Learn more

It’s important to note that OSHA regulations may encompass a broader set of requirements depending on the specific circumstances and industry. Employers should consult the relevant OSHA standards and regulations applicable to their operations, and work towards implementing appropriate safety measures to ensure compliance and protect the well-being of employees. To learn more, reach out to a Compliance Assistance Specialist in your area

Take the Next Step in Optimizing Your Wearhouse

Tugger systems are a game-changer in the world of material handling and offer numerous advantages over traditional forklifts. By integrating tugger systems into your warehouse workflow, you can significantly improve safety, efficiency, and productivity while reducing costs. 

If you’re still relying on forklifts as your lift trucks for material handling, it’s time to take a look at the best alternatives on the market today. Contact us to learn how we can help you find the best tugger system solution for your warehouse needs and take your workflow to the next level!